Maritime Labour Relations involves keeping open all channels of communication and dialogue for dispute resolution among the various stakeholders of the maritime industry, including ship owners, port authorities, crewing agencies, seamen’s unions, regulatory bodies, etc. The International Labour Organisation’s Maritime Labour Convention 2006 recognizes the right of maritime workers to freedom of association and collective bargaining as fundamental rights. It also lays down minimum standards for proper health and safety protection, entitlement to minimum pay and national obligations towards the inspection of vessels.
The Council of the European Union has adopted a decision authorizing EU member states to ratify the Maritime Labour Convention and implement it by December 2010. The adoption of the 2006 Convention was the catalyst for the signing of a new joint agreement of the European social partners, ECSA and ETF. This agreement provides protection for seafarers excluded from EU legislation on training, health and safety, annual leave, working time and rest periods. It also covers accommodation, recreational activities, food and catering, medical care and welfare and sets a minimum age for “any person who is employed or engaged or works in any capacity on board a ship”.
At AB Crewing, we recognize the importance of creating better working conditions for our crew and work diligently to make this possible. As a crewing agency, we are continuously involved in maritime labour relations issues for our seafarers and our clients, and we have earned a reputation for amicable dispute resolution that satisfies all social partners on the judicious application of international labour standards in the maritime industry.