Appraisals & competency

Performance appraisal and competency mapping is a critical component of our crewing and recruitment solutions because these help determine the right fit for available positions and seafarers. We have a fair and elaborate system of personnel appraisal based on employer feedback and our own assessments which are periodically updated based on competency, performance, training, grading, experience, service record and reputation. We frequently receive and process appraisals and confidential competency reports from our clients which are used as references for promotion, transfer and training requirements.

Efficient human resource mapping provides critical input to any successful shipping operation. At AB Crewing, we appreciate how vital this criterion is and go to considerable lengths to ensure proper vetting and selection of crew. We have developed standardized grids on performance and competence measurement that conform to the performance evaluation grids of several shipping majors so that our officers and crew are mission ready well before their job selection. We maintain an automated HR system to record personnel details, monitor document and certification status, assess performance and track career progress of all our crew personnel. Individual crew appraisal forms are updated periodically to ensure continuous monitoring of performance. All crew members are certificated as per the requirements of IMO, STCW and other international regulatory bodies.

Our appraisals and performance measurement system helps our clients address a number of critical HR issues, including competence, commitment, leadership, honesty, staff satisfaction, and these inputs are utilized to further improve operational efficiency. We regularly provide consulting to vessel owners and managers on how to use our on-board performance indicators to foster long term commitment and loyalty among their officers and crew.