Financial & HR advising

Shipping companies can generate significant competitive advantage through better financial and human resource management. Our financial and HR consulting services are tailored for addressing the key issues of manning, maritime training and personnel costs with a focus on strategies that overcome impending crew deficiencies, increase crew retention, and raising onboard performance through effective human capital development. We provide solutions with the aim to reduce the maritime industry’s key hurdles to boosting productivity and profitability by tackling crew shortages, designing strategies to source skilled crew, adopting best practices in crew training, meeting crew demand in LNG shipping and other technically sophisticated vessels, and ensuring onboard crew health and welfare.

AB Crewing is perfectly poised to deliver ship owners and managers with Financial and HR services incorporating the best practices in crew selection, training and ship management while addressing a whole range of human resource issues confronting the shipping industry. Our solutions enhance output and value, and address critical HR issues such as recruitment, training and crew retention of a global shipping organization.

We provide HR and ship management administrative services and support that ensure objectivity and transparency in the management of human and financial resources, optimizing administrative coordination and processes, financial and human resources administration.

Our financial services aim to deliver maximum cost efficiency and value for crew recruitment and management operations through an efficient and transparent process.